Why Competitiveness
I am fascinated by the concept of competitiveness and the importance of understanding what a competitive company and country are. This blog deals about it.

The COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine have strengthened the European feeling that something is wrong with our production and supply model. Too much of our…

Remaining competitive after Covid-19
Recommendations to remain competitive after Covid-19 by the World Economic Forum

Subsidies destroy competitiveness
Great Britain will eliminate agricultural subsidies in a seven year plan. This will put sector under stress. Still, it will be a necessary push for greater competitiveness.

Is Timisoara a competitive city?
Timisoara is one of the most competitive cities in Romania. Still, this is not enough as the city competes on the international scene. What can be done?

How the West has been losing the Competitiveness game (and happy to do it)
To compete in a global world the same rules need o apply for all contendants. If not, one will take unfair advantages. This pictures the relations between China and Europe and we do not seem to react.

Do cooperatives have a competitive advantage?
Small firms do not have the capacity to compete in global markets. Cooperatives are a solution and very oten the only way to survive.

Public debt and Competitiveness
Public indebtment is a minus for a country’s Competitiveness. The Covid-19 pandemic will only make things worse.

Toxic bosses and Competitiveness
Toxic bosses have a deterrent effect on the Competitiveness of companies. They cannot create healthy teams, they destroy them.

Competitiveness is an Olympic race
Companies and countries cannot compete under the same condition when governments and management do not plan thinking on the general well-being.