Competitive regions are rich regions (and vice versa)
Are rich European regions wealthy because they are competitive or are they competitive because they are rich?

About the role of Institutions in the Competitiveness of a country
A country institutions are the frame for its developent and play a central role in its competitiveness.

The consequences for a country’s competitiveness of the lack of long term plans.
Competitiveness does not result of short term policies. It is the reward of long term vision and cooperation of the political parties among them and with the private sector.

The WEF Report: What does it measure? – Political action required.
The Global Competitive annual report: what does it consider, and why it should be taken into account by public officers.

How it all started: The World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness report
Why competitiveness is not what I always thought
Why Competitiveness
I am fascinated by the concept of competitiveness and the importance of understanding what a competitive company and country are. This blog deals about it.