The COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine have strengthened the European feeling that something is wrong with our production and supply model. Too much of our…
Remaining competitive after Covid-19
Recommendations to remain competitive after Covid-19 by the World Economic Forum
Public debt and Competitiveness
Public indebtment is a minus for a country’s Competitiveness. The Covid-19 pandemic will only make things worse.
Competitiveness is an Olympic race
Companies and countries cannot compete under the same condition when governments and management do not plan thinking on the general well-being.
The case of Spain: wrong political decisions that reduce Competitiveness
When the political interest of a few damage the life of millions and the economic perspectives of a country.
The importance of Perception as an approach to Competitiveness
Is Competitiveness for countries similar to Competitiveness for a company? What role does perception play in our idea o competitiveness?
The 2019 International Tax Competitiveness Index
The Tax Foundation analyses the competitiveness of the OECD countries. A competitive fiscal frame can be a solid beginning to improve a country’s economy.
The Competitiveness of Tourism: A huge industry with low salaries
Travel and Tourism deserve their report by the WEF. The industry employees millions, but they are the worst paid sector in the analysed countries. Is this situation consistent with being competitive?
My competitive frugal heroes
The hard negotiaton lines set by the frugal countries was beneficial for all the European Union.